Are you supporting a loved one who is living with an
eating disorder?

Join the waitlist for

Support Your Loved One's Nutrition for Eating Disorder Recovery

Virtual Group

You'll be notified once registration opens!

This virtual nutrition group is for

parents & carers supporting a loved one

who is living with an eating disorder.

Get answers to questions such as:

  • What are eating disorders? What is disordered eating? How do they impact my loved one's nutrition and health?
  • How can I safely support my loved one's nutrition for eating disorder recovery?
  • What strategies can help my loved one through meals and snacks as they work on recovery?
  • How can I support my loved one with their nutrition if they do not live with me?

You'll also learn about:

  • Creating an eating disorder recovery team for your loved one.
  • Nutrition myths and the harm that mainstream health messages can cause in eating disorder development and recovery.
  • Safe nutrition and health messaging to support your loved one's recovery.
  • ...and more!

Join the waitlist today

& you'll also receive my resource:

Supporting a Loved One Living with an Eating Disorder